Nanali Studios 应用

후르츠어택 0.0.2
Nanali Studios
-스토리-수억광년 떨어진 과일행성계.이들은 은하계 저편 ‘지구’라는 행성에 생명이 있다는 사실을 알아내고 지구로 탐사선을 보낸다.그. 런. 데…이들의 카메라에 잡힌 것은 충격적인 ‘광경’이었으니.. 그것은 바로!‘인간이 사과를 무참히 잡아먹는 모습’이었다.이들은 분노하여 대대적으로 지구로 침공하게 된다.한편, 태평양의 한 외딴섬.뉴스에선 과일외계인에게 지구의 핵무기 조차도 소용없다는 보도가 나오고 있다.이곳에 살고 있는 ‘닥터. DJ’ 박사는 ‘스피커로봇’을 연구하는 괴짜박사로 학계에서 조롱거리가 되고 있었다. 그런그곳에등장한 과일 외계인! 박사는 놀라 달아난다.하.지.만…스피커로봇 ‘세티’가 만들어내는 엄청난 크기의 음파가 발사되고 과일외계인들은 추풍낙엽처럼 바다로 떨어지고만다.그렇게 박사는 ‘세티’가 과일외계인을 무찌를 수 있다는 사실을 알게되고 지구의 히어로가 되기 위한 여정에오르게되는데..-플레이 방법-* 양손으로 스마트폰을 들고 첫번째 탭, 그리고 두번째 탭하면 곡선이 그려집니다.* 음파를 충분히 모은뒤 손을 떼어 곡선 샷을 발사해보세요.* 과일 외계인들 마다의 패턴이 있으니 움직임을 주시하여 공격하세요.* 위급상황에 빠지면 흔들기만 하면 필살기 발동!-특징-* 전세계 최초 곡선 슈팅 게임 - 최적의 곡선으로 음파를 발사해보세요.* 신박한 쉐이크 컨트롤 - 흔들면 필살기가 발동됩니다.* 애니메이션을 보는 듯한 상큼하고 귀여운 그래픽* 짜릿한 쾌감을 주는 환상적인 타격감* 귀요미 스피커 로봇, 세티* 만화로 보는 재밌는 스토리* 다양한 과일외계인 - 사과,귤,딸기,수박,바나나…그리고 드래곤 후르츠 까지!* 240개의 방대하고 흥미진진한 스테이지* 4가지 속성의 미니펫, 미니세티를 수집해보세요.*주의: 후르츠어택은 갤럭시S3 이후의 출시 기기에 최적화되어 있으며, 이보다 아래 버전의 기기에서는 플레이가원할하지않을 수 있음을 알려드립니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 마포구 성미산로 195 현진빌딩 202호전화) 070-4469-8155팩스) 070-7614-1015-story- Fruit planetary systems hundreds of light-years away.They find out that there is life on the other side of thegalaxyplanet 'Earth' sends a probe to Earth.That. Run. place…It caught on camera in these stunning 'sight' yieoteuni ...That'sright!It was' look man brutally eats the apple. "These are the large-scale invasion into the earth to anger. Meanwhile, oettanseom of the Pacific.In news that is coming out is good news, even nuclear weapons tothefruit of the earth aliens.'Doctor who live here. DJ 'Doctor' was being ridiculed intheacademic world to study with Dr. geek robot speaker. Thenthereappeared fruits aliens! Dr. flees surprised.But…Speaker Robot Shetty 'is the size of a huge launch sound wavestoproduce fruit Manda aliens are falling into the sea like achupungleaves.Dr. learned that it is to defeat the alien fruit 'Seti' thereisrise to the Earth's journey to become a hero.- How to Play -* Smart phone with both hands holding the first tab and thesecondtab when the curve is drawn.* After the sound waves collected enough, try releasing thefiringcurve shots.* Every so the pattern of the alien Attack of fruit to givethemove.* Just shake fall in emergency situations triggerspecialmoves!-Characteristic-Try firing sound waves in an optimal curve - the world's first*Curved shooter.The special moves are triggered shake-shake control *Newfrivolous.* Sangkeumhago like to see the cute graphics animation* Stunning blow that exhilarating feeling of pleasure* Yomi ear speaker robot, Seti* Funny story to watch cartoons* Various alien fruit - apples, oranges, strawberries,watermelons,bananas ... And by dragon fruit!* 240 large and exciting stage* Try to collect pet mini, mini Shetty of the fourproperties.* Note: Fruit attack is optimized for Galaxy S3 since the launchofthe device, the following version than the device Please notethatyou do not want to play.
Ink Cat Marco 1.1.1
Nanali Studios
Run, Avoid and Paint!
Sally's Law 1.1.32
Nanali Studios
An award-winning 2016 indie game! Sally is making her way toherchildhood home in order to see her critically-ill father.Sounfolds the journey of Sally, the girl for whom nothing canstandin her way. A journey teeming with unbelievably-good fortune.CouldSally's luck be a mere coincidence? Roll and jump throughoutthejourney home, revealing Sally and Father's past.DescriptionSally's Law is the opposite of Murphy's Law. Consideraparticularly lucky moment of your life when everything fellintoplace, that is Sally's Law! It is that very notionofsupernaturally good fortune - as though guided by someinvisibleforce - upon which Sally's Law the Game was designed.Follow alongwith Sally as she effortlessly rolls and leaps towardshome.Discover Father's story through flashbacks along theway.Immediately replay each scene as the spirit of Sally'sFather,granting Sally the gift of a reality with, ROLL to solve a variety of puzzles! Experience auniquepuzzle-platformer, encountering a variety of fun tricks whileatthe same time enjoying a story. ***Notice Sally's Law isoptimizedto run on GalaxyS4 or later. Please note it may not runproperly onearlier versions ordevices.********************************************************AwardsGoogle Play Indie Games Festival 2016 : Top3 Busan IndieConnectFestival 2016 : Excellence In Narrative Finalist Google Play2016Game Of The Year: Best Indie Game Features Story andGame:Experience the story first-hand as you play through thegame.Puzzle-platformer: Time your jumps while solving a seriesofpuzzles! Circles and Squares: Beautiful artwork encased insimpleshapes."
Forest Island : Relaxing Game 2.1.3
Nanali Studios
Relaxing idle game where you can rest in nature with cute animals
TimeFish 2.10
Nanali Studios
Time Running game Freesh wants to escape from the time monster
Shield Knight 1.1.4
Nanali Studios
Break through the arrow rain and climb to the top of the tower!
DDDDIG! 1.3.0
Nanali Studios
Cute drill robot dig blocks!
Dino Clash: Tribal War 1.10.1
Nanali Studios
Looking for dinosaur games? It's a strategy war RPG set in thestone age
Monkey UP! 1.0.3
Nanali Studios
A game of climbing trees to avoid obstacles.
AI Doctor : Casual Roguelike 1.0.6
Nanali Studios
45M Downloads K-Webtoon born as a game!
Super Cell Boy - Cute Space Sh 1.1.3
Nanali Studios
Shooting with just one hand!